Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Halil Inalcik and Marshall Hodgsons views on the Ottoman Empire Term Paper

Halil Inalcik and Marshall Hodgsons views on the Ottoman Empire - Term Paper Example There was an accepted mode of coexistence that was not occasionally as disruptive as a society as such would be in the modern world. This, however, did not mean that the different religious factions existed in absolute peace without any animosity or bad blood. On the contrary, there were documented cases of massacres and discrimination all over the empire that seemed to have been sparked by hatred and a religious bias.   The breakdown of the empire of the Seljuk Turks was the catalyst in the formation of the Ottoman Empire1 which was one of the few surviving empires at the time. The Ottoman Empire started as one of the small states that were formed after the initial breakdown and existed as thus for a longer period of time before the reign of Muhammad II saw the absorption of all neighboring Turkish states in one unified monarch that was referred to as the Ottoman Empire. The rulers in the Ottoman Empire were primarily the descendants of Ghazi warriors who were very successful in t he formation of a superpower in Europe at the time when all the other empires around them were disintegrating2. The Ottoman Empire existed peacefully with the other nations around it except for the occasional war that was primarily aimed at expanding trade routes or spreading the holy word of Islam. An alliance between the French and the Turks was formed later on with the driving force being a common enemy in Austria Hapsburg and Spain although it did not have much in the bearing of war. The then leader Sulayman (popularly referred to as Sulayman the magnificent) of the Ottoman Empire was responsible for creating this alliance. He was instrumental in the organization of the judicial system among many other accolades that he had and he was arguably one of the most successful rulers of the empire if not the greatest. In addition, his reign saw the flowering of Turkish literature, Ottoman architecture, and arts which served to expand the reach of the empire as scholars were attracted b y them. Furthermore, traders also followed suit as the world was beginning to have an appreciation for the arts and literature although every culture had its own. The leader of the Ottoman Empire was popularly referred to as the sultan. The sultan was primarily charged with upholding the Muslim canonical law among many other implied responsibilities which were overshadowed by the fact that he was viewed as the representative of the Muslim God, Allah, on the ottomans. After the death of Sulayman, the Janissaries, who were largely Christians converted to Islam and trained to be deadly in war gained power and this was the cue for the empire to begin crumbling. Corruption then became the order of the day as the holders of the office of the day were charged with fleecing the people as they scrambled to keep what they would for themselves at the expense of the very people they were meant to be representative of. The first signs of the waning power of the empire lost in the battlefront, wi th enemies aligning with Austria in a bid to ceasing parts of the territory that was initially under the Ottoman Empire.

Monday, October 28, 2019

History of the Malaysian Constitution Essay Example for Free

History of the Malaysian Constitution Essay The foundation of the Constitution of Malaysia was laid on 10 September 1877. It began with the first meeting of the Council of State in Perak, where the British first started to assert their influence in the Malay states. Under the terms of the Pangkor Engagement of 1874 between the Sultan of Perak and the British, the Sultan was obliged to accept a British Resident. Hugh Low, the second British Resident, convinced the Sultan to set up advisory Council of State, the forerunner of the state legislative assembly. Similar Councils were constituted in the other Malay states as and when they came under British protection. Originally playing an advisory role, the function of the council was later extended to include both legislative and executive functions. This continued until 1948 when the Federation of Malaya was formed by two agreements, namely the State Agreement and the Federation of Malaya Agreement. The State Agreement was of great significance to Malaysias constitutional development. By virtue of this agreement, the Malay Rulers with the advice and concurrence of the traditional chiefs and elders of the states promulgated their respective State Constitutions except for Johor and Terengganu where Constitutions had already been in place since 1895 and 1911 respectively. The Rulers were also required to distinguish the legislative power in their respective states from the executive power, by constituting a legislative body, called the Council of State and State Executive Council whose advice he was required to obtained. The Federation of Malaya Agreement that served as the core for the current federal system of central government was concluded as a compromise to the much-opposed Malayan Union. The Federation consisted of the Federated Malay States (FMS), the Unfederated Malay States and the Straits Settlements of Penang and Melaka. The FMS consisted of Perak, Selangor, Pahang and Negeri Sembilan while the non-FMS were Kedah, Perlis, Kelantan, Terengganu and Johor. The federal government comprised the High Commissioner, an Executive Council and Legislative Council. The agreement also provided for a Conference of Rulers with its own elected chairman. Each of the states had its own Executive Council and Council of States to deal with all matters not specifically reserved to the Federation. The Federal Government was responsible for defence, the police, and the railways, labour, broadcasting, post and finance. This 1948 Constitution remained in force with some essential amendments, until 1957 when the Federation of Malaya gained its ndependence. A constitutional conference was held in London from 18 January to 6 February 1956 when the British promised Independence and self-government to the Federation of Malaya. It was attended by a delegation from the Federation of Malaya, consisting of four representatives of the Malay Rulers, the Chief Minister of the Federation (Tunku Abdul Rahman) and three other ministers, and also by the British High Commissioner in Malaya and his advisers. 1] The conference proposed the appointment of a commission to devise a constitution for a fully self-governing and independent Federation of Malaya. [2] This proposal was accepted by Queen Elizabeth II and the Malay Rulers. Accordingly, pursuant to such agreement, the Reid Commission, consisting of constitutional experts from fellow Commonwealth countries and headed by Lord William Reid, a distinguished Lord-of-Appeal-in-Ordinary, was appointed to make recommendations for a suitable constitution. The report of the Commission was completed on 11 February 1957. The report was then examined by a working party appointed by the British Government, the Conference of Rulers and the Government of the Federation of Malaya and the Federal Constitution was enacted on the basis of its recommendations. [4] The Constitution came into force on 27 August 1957 but formal independence was only achieved on 31 August however. The constitutional machinery devised to bring the new constitution into force consisted of: In the United Kingdom, the Federation of Malaya Independence Act 1957, together with the Orders in Council made under it. The Federation of Malaya Independence Act, 1957 passed by the British Parliament gave parliamentary approval to Her Britannic Majesty Queen Elizabeth II to terminate her sovereignty and jurisdiction in respect of the Straits Settlements of Melaka and Penang and all powers and jurisdiction in respect of the Malay States or the Federation as a whole. The Federation of Malaya Agreement 1957, made on 5 August 1957 between the British High Commissioner on behalf of Queen Elizabeth II and the Malay Rulers. The Agreement contained the new Constitution of the Federation of Malaya (and the new constitutions of Penang and Melaka). In the Federation, the Federal Constitution Ordinance 1957, passed on 27 August 1957 by the Federal Legislative Council of the Federation of Malaya formed under the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1948. The new constitutions of the Federation as well as Penang and Melaka were given the force of law by the Ordinance. In each of the Malay states, State Enactments, and in Melaka and Penang, resolutions of the State Legislatures, approving and giving force of law to the federal constitution. The Federal Constitution was significantly amended when Sabah, Sarawak, and Singapore joined the Federation to form Malaysia in 1963.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

History Of Swimming :: essays research papers

Swimming Swimming is the act of moving through the water by using the arms, legs, and body in motions called strokes. The most common strokes are the crawl, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, and sidestroke. Some scientists believe that human beings are born with an instinctive ability to use their arms and legs to stay afloat. That instinct, however, disappears within a few months after birth. Later in life many children and adults learn to swim in order to be safe around the water, to have fun, and to participate in competition. Most people learn to swim by imitating others, most often their parents, brothers, sisters, and friends. Most youngsters in also take lessons at swim clubs, community centers, schools, and recreational facilities. In addition, the American Swim Coaches Association (ASCA) and the American Red Cross sponsor programs that teach children about water safety. Instructors teach students skills that will make them safe, efficient, and confident swimmers. Beginners first put their heads in the water and blow bubbles by exhaling. Gradually, students progress to floating, treading water, and ultimately, learning the techniques of the major strokes. Individuals should not swim in conditions that their ability and experience will not allow them to handle. For inexperienced recreational swimmers, many safety hazards exist, even in a pool. These hazards include misjudging a dive and hitting one's head on the bottom, holding one's breath too long, becoming exhausted, and experiencing sudden cramps while too far from shore or other swimmers. The history of swimming dates back thousands of years. One of the earliest representations of swimming is an ancient Egyptian wall relief that shows soldiers of Pharaoh Ramses II. Swimming was very important in ancient Greece and Rome, especially as a form of training for warriors. In Japan, competitions were held as early as the 1st century BC. In Europe, swimming was less popular during the Middle Ages, swimming didn’t pick up until the 19th century. In the late 19th century amateur swimming clubs began conducting competitions in the United States and Britain. In the United States, colleges and universities such as Yale University, Indiana University, and the University of Southern California played an important role in spreading interest in swimming as a competitive sport. In 1875 Matthew Webb of Great Britain became the first person to swim across the English Channel.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Joe and the Juice

Ind. Competence. Joe and the juice: Franchise – you pay royalty every month, whether you earn or not – You use the name. The concept have to be good and proved. Of course you need a lot of money to invest, because the main firm does not give a single penny for your business. When you see a concept that people like you have to carry on this wave. Partnership is not like franchise . There is no real influence with the concepts. You have to stick to what all think is a good idea. You got limitations. You can choose how to look like but you still get limitations about the main concept.Fremtiden – future : restaurant business is to rely the personnel. How you adapt different stores to different market? – number of personnel is different depending on how busy they are. Adjust the music, take best employees to make sure the new place is working good, adapt to peoples behaviour. Try to learn from mistakes and take much more time before you open a stoer, so you can know what the locals are and you can adapt to them. . Scandic hotel To give people away from home the feeling of being home. They run the hotels, they do not own them.Promises and missions are part of any hotel chain. People skills are vital and training is vital. Team members should speak their mind and discuss. More sales are more service. Self-service is no service, it is ignorance Customers pay grants for emotions. Every business has a potential. Brand is much more than a logo type. Brand platform needs to be relevant to the customers. It is an explanation to who we are. People away from home need warm and nice atmosphere and friends. Caring, casual, creative – these are the values of Scandic.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Interview with the first gentleman Essay

MANILA -My news editor asked me to interview the husband of the highest official of the land, Mr. Miguel â€Å"Mike† Arroyo. On the day appointed, I was whisked in to the Malacanang palace, where after the formalities, i. e. , being frisked by presidential guards in combat fatigues, I was shown in to the Philippines’ equivalent of the Oval Office. Mr. Arroyo rose to shake my hand. He was not tall, but immense, very fat, and had a bored air about him. With him was an old man wearing glasses, who introduced himself as Jess Santos, a lawyer and the First Gentleman’s spokesperson. The interview went on as follows: Q: I hear you’ve been busy these days, filing libel cases against some journalists. Jess: Yes, that is correct. You know these newspaper guys, they’re a pain in the ass. Always noisy. But of course you can’t help it. We live in a democracy, and the Philippines is the most democratic in Asia. I hope you’ll agree. But when they attack the First Gentleman, using all kinds of defamatory imputation, using the media to spread these lies and calumniate and slur him so as to blemish his clean and untainted reputation, he has to fight back. And there’s nothing wrong in using the courts to seek justice. (The First Gentleman nods gravely.) Q: Are there any truths to these so-called lies against the First Gentleman? Jess: Oh, no! None at all. This allegation about unexplained wealth, it’s absurd. It isn’t wrong to be rich, you know. But the main point here, which you must not miss, and should be emphasized in your column or whatever, is that Mr. Arroyo is a gentleman. I mean, a gentleman in the real sense of the word. You don’t see a gentleman everyday, do you? He is very dignified, punctilious of honor, the epitome of chivalry, gallantry, and respect. (The First Gentleman nods, dozing off. ) Q: Is it true he dared the lawyer of a defendant to a fistfight in court? (The First Gentleman opens his eyes, looks at me, but says nothing. ) Jess: Well, you know how it is with honorable men like the First Gentleman. They are very sensitive when their honor is brought to ridicule. And in order to preserve his honor and integrity, it is but normal for the First Gentleman to react in his defense by calling the offending party to a fight, which shows that the First Gentleman is not a pushover, nor is he a weakling, but a chivalrous man like the knights of old who were not afraid to do battle to defend their honor. Q: I see. What about his rumored liaison with a pretty woman, allegedly his secretary? Jess: (assuming a pained expression): Please, please, do not dignify such baseless, malicious accusations. The First Gentleman would never enter into an unchaste relationship with a woman other than his wife, the President, because a true gentleman will never entertain any immoral thought, much more an illicit affair with a woman. (The First Gentleman looks at the ceiling as if remembering something. ) Q: According to a columnist, the First Gentleman stayed in a $20,000 suite at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas when he went there to watch the fight between your Manny Pacquiao and Erik Morales. Jess: That is not true. I doubt if you can find such a room in Las Vegas. And even if he did, the expenses may have been paid by friends. You know the First Gentleman, he has friends from high places. Q: Well, I admit I don’t know him that much. And I notice he isn’t saying anything. Can I interview him? Jess: Oh, sure. There’s nothing to worry about him. He is the perfect gentleman. Q: Well, sir, could you react to the accusation that you have a secret bank account in Germany? FG: (unsmiling)Who told you that? Q: Well, it’s on the papers, sir. Just trying to get your reaction firsthand. FG: Well, um, it’s a lot of shit, I mean, whoever wrote that article is an asshole, I mean, he must be an enemy of the state to say such matters. Why, I know, being the First Gentleman, that there are continuing threats to our national security. Q: I also hear this issue was brought up by a certain Congressman Cayetano who is now running for Senator. And this person has challenged you to issue a waiver so that he could prove who’s telling the truth. FG: (scowling). The worthless scumbag! Scoundrel! Bloody fool! Pardon me, but I can’t help myself. You see, this person has been using his parliamentary immunity to attack me at every turn. I’m sick of him. But I won’t be dragged into this controversy. Q: He also says you brought 50 million pesos in a helicopter in Mindanao to buy votes in the last election where your wife won as President. FG: That is a lie! Don’t believe the goddam son of a gun! Q: And he has just issued a public statement that he is daring you to engage him in a debate at Plaza Miranda to show who is telling the truth. FG: The nerve! I will not stoop down to his level. If he wants, I challenge him to a fistfight (rolls up his sleeves). Q: He also says you are crook and a liar and an adulterer. FG: (roaring). He said that? Tell him to just wait. Tomorrow I’ll file twenty counts of libel against him. I have fifty lawyers to work on that. Jess: Now there, there, please don’t get excited. A gentleman is never riled up. FG: Tell him I will get his goddam ass! Jess: Please sir, you’re a real gentleman. FG: I know that, I know. And I’ll prove to the #@! =* guy that I’m a *&^%4# man of honor! (end of interview).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

MUÃOZ Surname Meaning and Origin

MUÑOZ Surname Meaning and Origin Muà ±oz is a patronymic surname meaning son of Muà ±o a personal name that means hill. It could also be patronymic for son of Nuà ±o, meaning ninth- a name sometimes given to the ninth child. Muà ±oz is the 40th most common Hispanic surname. Surname Origin:  Spanish Alternate Surname Spellings:  MÚÑOZ, MUNIZ, MUNO, MUNONEZ Famous People with the Surname MUÑOZ Rafael Muà ±oz: Famous Puerto Rican big band director and bass playerRafael Muà ±oz: a Mexican journalist, novelist, and writer of short storiesLuis  Muà ±oz  Marà ­n: First governor of Puerto Rico Where Do People With the MUÑOZ Surname Live? The surname distribution data at  Forebears  ranks Muà ±oz as the 287th most common surname in the world, identifying it as most prevalent in Mexico and with the highest number as a percentage of the population in Chile. Muà ±oz is the 2nd most common name found in Chile, borne by one in every eighty-six residents. It is also fairly common in Spain, where it ranks 17th; Colombia, where it ranks 18th; and Ecuador, where it comes in at 20th.   Genealogy Resources for the Surname MUÑOZ 100 Common Hispanic Surnames and Their MeaningsGarcia, Martinez, Rodriguez, Lopez, Hernandez... Are you one of the millions of people sporting one of these top 100 common Hispanic last names? How to Research Hispanic HeritageLearn how to get started researching  your Hispanic ancestors, including the basics of family tree research and country-specific organizations, genealogical records, and resources for Spain, Latin America, Mexico, Brazil, the Caribbean and other Spanish speaking countries. Muà ±oz Family Crest: Its Not What You ThinkContrary to what you may hear, there is no such thing as a Muà ±oz  family crest or coat of arms for the Muà ±oz surname.  Coats of arms are granted to individuals, not families, and may rightfully be used only by the uninterrupted male line descendants of the person to whom the coat of arms was originally granted.   MUÑOZ Family Genealogy ForumRead this archive of the former popular genealogy forum for the Muà ±oz  surname to find what others who have been researching your ancestors have posted. This forum is no longer active. FamilySearch: MUÑOZ GenealogyAccess over 2.5 million free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Muà ±oz  surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. MUÑOZ Surname Family Mailing ListsRootsWeb hosts several free mailing lists for researchers of the Muà ±oz  surname and its variations. In addition to joining a list, you can also browse or search the archives to explore over a decade of postings for the Muà ±oz  surname. GeneaNet: Muà ±oz RecordsGeneaNet includes archival records, family trees, and other resources for individuals with the Muà ±oz  surname, with a concentration on records and families from France, Spain, and other European countries. Sources Cottle, Basil.  Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Penguin Books, 1967.Dorward, David.  Scottish Surnames. Collins Celtic (Pocket edition), 1998.Fucilla, Joseph.  Our Italian Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 2003.Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges.  A Dictionary of Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1989.Hanks, Patrick.  Dictionary of American Family Names. Oxford University Press, 2003.Reaney, P.H.  A Dictionary of English Surnames. Oxford University Press, 1997.Smith, Elsdon C.  American Surnames. Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Homo Erectus Colonization in Europe

Homo Erectus Colonization in Europe Geoarchaeologists working on the coast of the North Sea of Britain at Pakefield in Suffolk, England have discovered artifacts suggesting that our human ancestor Homo erectus arrived in northern Europe much earlier than previously thought. Homo Erectus in England According to an article published in Nature on December 15, 2005, an international team led by Simon Parfitt of the Ancient Human Occupation of Britain  (AHOB) project has discovered 32 pieces of black flint debitage, including a core and retouched flake, in alluvial sediments dated to about 700,000 years ago. These artifacts represent the debris created by flintknapping, the manufacture of a stone tool, possibly for butchering purposes. The flint chips were recovered from four separate places within the channel fill deposits of a stream bed which in-filled during the inter-glacial period of the Early Pleistocene. This means that the artifacts were what archaeologists call out of primary context. In other words, fill in stream channels comes from soils moved downstream from other places. The occupation site- the site where the flintknapping took place- may be just a little upstream, or quite a ways upstream, or may, in fact, have been completely destroyed by movements of the stream bed. Nevertheless, the location of the artifacts in this old channel bed does mean that the artifacts must be at least as old as the channel fill; or, according to researchers, at least 700,000 years ago. The Oldest Homo Erectus The oldest known Homo erectus site outside of Africa is Dmanisi, in the Republic of Georgia, dated to approximately 1.6 million years ago. Gran Dolina in the Atapuerca valley of Spain includes evidence of Homo erectus at 780,000 years ago. But the earliest known Homo erectus site in England prior to the discoveries at Pakefield is Boxgrove, only 500,000 years old. The Artifacts The artifact assemblage, or rather assemblages since they were in four separate areas, include a core fragment with several hard-hammer percussion flakes removed from it and a retouched flake. A core fragment is the term used by archaeologists to mean the original hunk of stone from which flakes were removed. Hard hammer means the flintknappers used a rock to bang on the core to get flattish, sharp-edged chips called flakes. Flakes produced in this manner may be used as tools, and a retouched flake is a flake that shows evidence of this use. The rest of the artifacts are unretouched flakes. The tool assemblage is probably not Acheulean, which includes handaxes, but is characterized in the article as Mode 1. Mode 1 is a very old, simple technology of flakes, pebble tools, and choppers made with hard hammer percussion. Implications Since at the time England was connected to Eurasia by a land bridge, the Pakefield artifacts dont imply that Homo erectus needed boats to get to the North Sea coastline. Neither does it imply that Homo erectus originated in Europe; the oldest Homo erectus are found at Koobi Fora, in Kenya, where a long history of earlier hominin ancestors is also known. Interestingly, the artifacts from the Pakefield site also do not imply that Homo erectus adapted to a cooler, chillier climate; during the time period in which the artifacts were deposited, the climate in Suffolk was balmier, closer to the Mediterranean climate traditionally considered the climate of choice for Homo erectus. Homo erectus or heidelbergensis? The Nature article merely says early man, referring to either Homo erectus or Homo heidelbergensis. Basically, H. heidelbergensis is still very enigmatic, but may be a transitional stage between H. erectus and modern humans or a separate species. There are no hominid remains recovered from Pakefield as of yet, so the people who lived at Pakefield may have been either one. Resources and Further Reading Parfitt, Simon L. The earliest record of human activity in northern Europe. Nature 438, Renà © W. Barendregt, Marzia Breda, et al., Nature, December 14, 2005. Roebroeks, Wil. Life on the Costa del Cromer. Nature 438, Nature, December 14, 2005. An unsigned article in British Archaeology titled Hunting for the first humans in Britain and dated 2003 describes the work of AHOB. The December 2005 issue of British Archaeology has an article on the findings. Thanks to members of BritArch for their additions.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing

50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing 50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing 50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational Writing By Mark Nichol Is rhetorician on your resume? It should be, because I’d be surprised if you haven’t employed one or more of the methods listed below for conveying emphasis to your writing. Rhetoric, the art of persuasive written or spoken discourse, was developed in ancient Greece, and every one of the terms below stems from classical Greek or from Latin, the language of the culture that inherited the Greek oratory legacy. But that should be no obstacle to adding these tried-and-true tools to your argumentative armamentarium, because brief definitions, as well as examples, accompany this exhaustive but by no means complete list: 1. Amplification An expansion of detail to clarify a point: â€Å"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.† 2. Anacoluthon A sudden break in a sentence’s grammatical structure: â€Å"So, then I pulled up to her house are you still with me here?† 3. Anadiplosis Repetition of words, especially located at the end of one phrase or clause and the beginning of the next: â€Å"I was at a loss for words, words that perhaps would have gotten me into even more trouble.† 4. Anaphora Repetition of one or more words at the head of consecutive phrases, clauses, or sentences: â€Å"I came, I saw, I conquered.† 5. Anastrophe Inversion of word order to mark emphasis: â€Å"Enter the forest primeval.† 6. Antanaclasis Repetition of a word in a sentence in which a different meaning is applied each time: â€Å"If you aren’t fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired, with enthusiasm.† 7. Antanagoge The contradiction of a negative comment with a positive one, as in â€Å"The car wouldn’t start this time, but it least it didn’t catch on fire.† 8. Antimetabole Reversal of repeated words or phrases for effect: â€Å"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country. 9. Antiphrasis Ironic use of a single word: â€Å"It was a cool 100 degrees in the shade.† 10. Antistrophe Repetition of a word or phrase at the close of successive clauses: â€Å"You said he was late true enough. You said he was not prepared true enough. You said he did not defend his statements true enough.† 11. Antithesis Contrast within parallel phrases (not to be confused with the ordinary use of the word to mean â€Å"extreme opposite†): â€Å"Many are called, but few are chosen.† The term can also refer to literary characters who, though not necessarily antagonists, represent opposite personal characteristics or moral views. 12. Apophasis Calling attention to something by dismissing it: â€Å"No one would suggest that those who are homeless elected to live on the streets willingly.† 13. Aporia A statement of hesitation, also known as dubitatio, in which characters express to themselves an actual or feigned doubt or dilemma: â€Å"Should I strike now, or bide my time?† 14. Aposiopesis Abrupt discontinuation of a statement: â€Å"If you say that one more time, I’m gonna † 15. Apostrophe Interruption of thought to directly address a person or a personification: â€Å"So, I ask you, dear reader, what would you have me do?† 16. Asyndeton Absence of conjunctions: â€Å"We cannot dedicate, we cannot consecrate, we cannot hallow this ground.† 17. Auxesis Exaggeration, often with sequential enhancement: â€Å"You found my purse? You are a hero, a prince, a god!† 18. Bdelygmia A rant of abusive language: â€Å"Calling you an idiot would be an insult to stupid people. Are you always this stupid, or are you just making a special effort today?† 19. Bomphiologia Excessive braggadocio: â€Å"I am the very model of a modern major-general. I’ve information vegetable, animal, and mineral.† Also known as verborum bombus. 20. Brachyology An abbreviated expression or telegrammatic statement: â€Å"‘Morning,’ he mumbled as he stumbled out of bed†; â€Å"I have three words for you, buddy: pot, kettle, black.† 21. Cacophony Deliberate use of harsh letter sounds: â€Å"The clash and clang of steel jarred him awake.† 22. Catachresis A hyperbolic metaphor, as in â€Å"Each word was a lightning bolt to his heart.† 23. Chiasmus This is the reversal of grammatical order from one phrase to the next, exemplified in these two well-known quotes about evaluation: â€Å"Judge not, lest ye be judged† and â€Å"A heart is not judged by how much you love, but by how much you are loved by others.† 24. Commoratio Repetition of a point with different wording: â€Å"He’s passed on! This parrot is no more! He has ceased to be! He’s expired and gone to meet his maker!† (etc., ad absurdum) 25. Dehortatio Imperative advice about how not to act: â€Å"Do not look a gift horse in the mouth.† 26. Diacope Repetition of one or more words after the interval of one or more other words: â€Å"People who like this sort of thing will find this the sort of thing they like.† 27. Diatyposis Advice: â€Å"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.† 28. Distinctio A definition or clarification of a term: â€Å"What we will be seeking . . . will be large, stable communities of like-minded people, which is to say relatives.† 29. Epanelepsis Starting and ending a phrase, clause, or a sentence, or a passage, with the same word or phrase: â€Å"Nothing is worse than doing nothing.† 30. Epistrophe The repetition of a word at the end of each phrase or clause: â€Å"I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.† 31. Epizeuxis Epizeuxis, epizeuxis, epizeuxis! My favorite new word, also called palilogia, refers to nothing more than the repetition of words: â€Å"To my fifteen-year-old daughter, everything is ‘boring, boring, boring!’† 32. Hendiadys A conjunctive rather than a coordinate phrase: â€Å"I made it nice and hot, just the way you like it.† 33. Hyperbaton Excursion from natural word order in various ways: â€Å"Theirs was a glory unsurpassed†; â€Å"It is a sad story but true.† 34. Hysteron-proteron A reversal of logical order of elements in a phrase: â€Å"Sudden thunder and lightning drove them to shelter.† 35. Litotes This is the strategy of understatement often employed to provide subtle emphasis, frequently for ironic effect or to underline a passionate opinion: â€Å"The assassin was not unacquainted with danger.† 36. Meiosis A dismissive epithet, such as treehugger, or a humorously dismissive understatement (also known as tapinosis), such as the Monty Python and the Holy Grail gem â€Å"It’s just a flesh wound!† 37. Metanoia The qualification of a statement to either diminish or strengthen its tone, as in â€Å"She was disturbed make that appalled by the spectacle.† Traditionally, nay is often a keyword that sets up the shift, but no replaces it in modern usage except in facetious or whimsical writing: â€Å"You are the fairest flower in the garden nay, in the entire meadow.† 38. Paronomasia Punning wordplay, including any of many types, including homophonic or homographic puns, both of which are included in this example: â€Å"You can tune a guitar, but you can’t tuna fish. Unless of course, you play bass.† 39. Pleonasm Redundancy for emphasis: â€Å"We heard it with our own ears.† 40. Polyptoton Repetition of two or more forms of a word; also known as paregmenon: â€Å"You try to forget, and in the forgetting, you are yourself forgotten.† 41. Polysyndeton Insertion of conjunctions before each word in a list: â€Å"My fellow students read and studied and wrote and passed. I laughed and played and talked and failed.† 42. Scesis Onomaton Repetition of an idea using synonymous words or phrases: â€Å"We succeeded, won, and walked away victorious.† 43. Sententia The punctuation of a point with an aphorism such as â€Å"Don’t judge a book by its cover.† 44. Sentential Adverbs These single words or brief phrases emphasize the thought they precede, interrupt, or rarely follow. Examples include however, naturally, no doubt, and of course and, in informal writing, phrases such as â€Å"you see.† 45. Syllepsis Divergent use of a word in two phrases: â€Å"We must all hang together or assuredly we will all hang separately.† 46. Symploce A combination of anaphora and epistrophe: â€Å"To think clearly and rationally should be a major goal for man; but to think clearly and rationally is always the greatest difficulty faced by man.† 47. Synathroesmus A series of adjectives, also known as accumulatio, compiled often in the service of criticism: â€Å"You’re the most arrogant, selfish, self-absorbed, insufferable narcissist I’ve ever met!† 48. Synecdoche Substitution of a part or a substance for a whole, one thing for another, or a specific name used for a generic: â€Å"A hundred head of cattle were scattered throughout the field†; â€Å"A regiment of horse paraded by†; â€Å"The swordsmen unsheathed their steel†; â€Å"Do you have a Kleenex?† 49. Tapinosis Invective: â€Å"Get out of my way, you mouth-breathing cretin.† 50. Tricolon A series of three parallel words, phrases, clauses, or statements: â€Å"Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.† Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?Top 11 Writing Apps for iOS (iPhone and iPad)Adverbs and Hyphens

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 112

Summary - Essay Example He believed in Jesus Christ of Nazareth but yet criticized the message of the apostles (PBS). Many people saw Jefferson as not being a Christian because he could not agree with them. In his opinion Christianity had been tarnished by kings who formed the base of Christianity. He was a Christian, only that his views and beliefs were different from the rest. The immigration Act was a measure to restrict the number of aliens entering the United States. The immigration Act only allowed three percent of the total population of a foreign nation to enter the US; they later changed it to 2 percent. This Act was later altered and only allowed immigrants whose families were of American origin. For example, visas were available for immigrants from Britain and Western Europe and not for those from Northern and Southern Europe or Asian countries. This was clear racism, since they only wanted Americans or those with American blood to settle in the US. The legislature termed a group of immigrants as non-quota who could enter the states freely. These were scholars, wives and children of US citizens and students below 15 years of age. Anybody who could not read and write was not given a visa. Congress wanted to increase labor availability in their industries but did not want people from any other race to enter America. The U.S entered into an agreement with South Vietnam to conquer the whole of Vietnam. When the war began it seemed as the best approach the U.S government had taken. But when young soldiers aged between 18 and 19 went to war and did not come back protests began. These protests were mostly ignited by students of Wisconsin University since most of these soldiers were from the Wisconsin area. Protests for the war to end escalated as students resorted to more violent measures, disrupting recruitment exercises leading to violent actions from the police. While the government was trying to ease the tension at home, they lost their Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 18 Summary - Essay Example The author has deliberated at length on various aspects of Balanced Scorecard Model, initially presented by Kaplan and Norton (1996) and implementation in GTE Corporation in a varied form as HR Scorecard. The author has presented sufficient credentials to support his argument in favor of HR Scorecard. A sufficient theoretical support in the form of various charts, graphs and diagrams strengthens the author’s stance on HR Scorecard. However, there are not sufficient traces of extended research. The author explored various aspects of HR Scorecard implementation in GTE Corporation but results thus formulated are not comprehensively backed by research on the implementation of Balanced Scorecard Model in other organizational setups. The article has presented facts and figures in a logically manner to support the authors viewpoint. The article is centered on the importance and implementation of Balanced Scorecard Model. The methodical approach and logical development of the article creates a good constructive argument in the favor of the model which was the primary objective of the author. The author has thus succeeded in presenting his case in a convincing

Friday, October 18, 2019

Organization Structure and Its External Environmental Research Paper

Organization Structure and Its External Environmental - Research Paper Example These domains are very large but the company has focused on the ones that have more influence on its performance in the market. Samsung company faces stiff competition from other companies especially LG with similar products, markets, and geographic locations. The company is aware of its competitors, their organizational size, marketing strategies, developments, and their competitive advantages. This has given management an upper hand in watching their operation internationally. The company is aware of its customers who are the most critical element of external environment. In order to keep its customers satisfied, it is important to know the preferential changes of customers, which are the likes, and dislikes which changes rapidly. The company produces goods that suit its customers bearing in mind that people live in tight social system that establish and encourage trends. It is always on the anticipating changes in customer product requirement, emerging technologies that can change how the good is used. In addition, it is aware of demographical changes, which include economical, social, and cultural shifts such as population age and economic class (Oldham, 1980). Samsung depends on availability of some external resources for its productivity and operation. It has skilled workers who include graduate from the field of technology, training schools, and labor market. The availability of these labors changes dramatically over period in that once the need for certain skill drops, even the supply drops which can affect the company, therefore, Samsung is aware of this and aims to compete for skilled labor in the market to avoid collapse. Samsung uses certain raw materials to manufacture its products, which it aims to keep in adequate supply to its main plant because a drift in supply of raw material may halts or slow its operation. Samsung has strong financial base that supports its operation in other countries in that it has credit lines that enables it to fund new ventures. Technologically, it has technological tools that are used in production of its products (Jacobsen, 2011). It uses new and up to date technology to fit the changing need of its customers. The company is responsible in its external market in which it operates in that it abide by the legal system , new laws and regulations that are in place in its area of operation. Environmental uncertainty is inevitable for any company since it is a measure of how many factors change during the time of planning. High level of uncertainty means that management has an intricate environment to deal with since it their decision-making capacity in absence of clear information. Leaders of Samsung Company have a framework of environmental uncertainty in that they have determined the stability and complexity of the environment in which they operate in. environmental complexity of Samsung company is determined by number of domains that influence its operation by focusing on how to beat its competit ors. Environmental stability of Samsung is determined by the frequency in which the domain aspects change and if the changes in the environment are predictable. Some domains in the Samsung environment are considered predictable thus making its external environment stable. Therefore, the company looks to create suitable

Biography of Alan Stillman Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Biography of Alan Stillman - Essay Example The original intention of TGI Friday’s was to provide people with a neighbor friendly bar where they could grab a hamburger or French fries. Through Alan’s innovation, the joint started serving burgers on toasted English muffin in an effort to create an in-house atmosphere. The results were tremendous. Alan had underestimated the influence serving food would have. In an effort to lure ladies, the joint began giving out burgers for free during end month. The argument was that many girls pay could not sustain them over the whole month. The joint quickly grew in popularity prompting the hiring of security guards in only three months of operation. Increased hordes of customers meant a significant restructuring for the joint. The foods had to be changed to adjust to menus that were quick to prepare. The second TGI Friday’s location was in Tennessee. A lad from Memphis approached Alan with the intention of buying a franchise. At the moment, Alan understood little about franchises. The counterpart offered to help with the idea of a fifty/fifty ownership stance. With the success of the second outlet, more people partnered with Alan resulting in about six outlets, in the country. This was a rapid growth of the enterprise. Soon, interested parties who possessed more capital than Alan approached with an intention of setting up similar franchises in Dallas. The Dallas partner was Scoggin and Henrion. The Dallas premises was twice the size of the original TGI Friday’s and raked in an annual figure of $2,000,000. A shift in Stillman’s business took place in the year 1971. The economy was experiencing a downtrend. People from all sorts of places were chasing Alan around trying to buy the interest. A prospective customer offered one million dollars, which Alan took gladly.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Aerosol-Cloud InteractionsA Piece of the Climate Puzzle Essay

Aerosol-Cloud InteractionsA Piece of the Climate Puzzle - Essay Example There have been a number of potential effects about the aerosols that have been implied though there should be much more investigation and study in order for the size of these effects in a worldwide view. Therefore, for a much more improved model outcrop of future climate, there is much importance in the quantitative comprehension of these effects. There are findings that have been put into writing as well as pictures in regard to the aerosol and cloud properties during the previous years. Nonetheless, these types of seen connection are not essentially as a result of microphysical end products. They may relatively be as a result of retrieval errors, cloud flagging errors, seasonal factors, spatial climatological factors, humidity conditions or even synoptic effects. This report herein shows a discussion of the contribution of spatial climatological factors and synoptic effects to aerosol-cloud associations. Therefore, this paper is going to handle the needed aspects that deal with th e aerosol and cloud interactions, a piece of the climate puzzle. In addition, that will entail all the necessary details required. Aerosols in as much as is known always have an effect in the cloud formation in general. There are, therefore, specific aerosols that can be found in the clouds, whether they are organic or inorganic. The specific organic or inorganic aerosol found in the clouds is a sea salt, which is the most common CCN over the ocean. It is mostly how they aerosols affect or get involved in the cloud formation. To add to that, there is the question of what happens when these major oceanic clouds move over land and whether the aerosol interactions change (Bowler 76). The answer that comes to that question is that, once droplets of clouds have been formed, aerosols or CCN are separated by water of ice and would not be directly interacting with anything else. As a result, when cloud droplets or raindrops evaporate, aerosols are free and can be able to

Aspects of Kirk's and Malcolm's Management Style that Contribute to Essay

Aspects of Kirk's and Malcolm's Management Style that Contribute to Their Effectiveness - Essay Example Like most of the managers of Neverwire, it is precisely the vision of Frank that led Kirk Arnold to join the company. Unlike Frank who wanted to have the right people in the company, Arnold focused on ensuring that their people knew what they need to do. By streamlining the operations and processes of the company, she was able to ensure teamwork and produce results that will guarantee the Neverwhere's sustainability. She became the model employee that she wants her team to be. Yet, aside from being a skilled manager, Arnold also had a personal approach, always commanding the effort, and coaching those who need improvement.  Ã‚  Like most of the managers of Neverwire, it is precisely the vision of Frank that led Kirk Arnold to join the company. Unlike Frank who wanted to have the right people in the company, Arnold focused on ensuring that their people knew what they need to do. By streamlining the operations and processes of the company, she was able to ensure teamwork and produce results that will guarantee the Neverwhere's sustainability. She became the model employee that she wants her team to be. Yet, aside from being a skilled manager, Arnold also had a personal approach, always commanding the effort, and coaching those who need improvement.  Ã‚  Frank and Arnold are the perfect partners for managing the company – one provided the â€Å"bigger picture† while the other provided the â€Å"inner work†. While one of them was busy ensuring that their people knew what they were trying to achieve, the other one was busy ensuring that their people had the right tools to get the work done right. Together, they make good complements.2. What are the key female gender stereotypes when it comes to leadership? Consider Kirk, do you find any evidence for or against these stereotypes? What factors (including her personal attributes) do you think might have contributed to her success in the business world?   In a research conducted by Alice Eagly and Linda Carli (2003), they mentioned several female gender stereotypes in leadership. Some of them are: (a) Women are more communal, they are attributed with characteristics such as warmth and selflessness and they lack assertiveness and instrumentality which people think are important distinctions of a leader (Eagly & Carli, 2003, p. 818); (b) Women are emotional, hence are unable to make objective decisions.Kirk Arnold however, one will see that the stereotypes are somewhat correct, but she was able to use it to her advantage. For example, her emotionality allowed Arnold to commend and appreciate her team explicitly, hence motivating them.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Aerosol-Cloud InteractionsA Piece of the Climate Puzzle Essay

Aerosol-Cloud InteractionsA Piece of the Climate Puzzle - Essay Example There have been a number of potential effects about the aerosols that have been implied though there should be much more investigation and study in order for the size of these effects in a worldwide view. Therefore, for a much more improved model outcrop of future climate, there is much importance in the quantitative comprehension of these effects. There are findings that have been put into writing as well as pictures in regard to the aerosol and cloud properties during the previous years. Nonetheless, these types of seen connection are not essentially as a result of microphysical end products. They may relatively be as a result of retrieval errors, cloud flagging errors, seasonal factors, spatial climatological factors, humidity conditions or even synoptic effects. This report herein shows a discussion of the contribution of spatial climatological factors and synoptic effects to aerosol-cloud associations. Therefore, this paper is going to handle the needed aspects that deal with th e aerosol and cloud interactions, a piece of the climate puzzle. In addition, that will entail all the necessary details required. Aerosols in as much as is known always have an effect in the cloud formation in general. There are, therefore, specific aerosols that can be found in the clouds, whether they are organic or inorganic. The specific organic or inorganic aerosol found in the clouds is a sea salt, which is the most common CCN over the ocean. It is mostly how they aerosols affect or get involved in the cloud formation. To add to that, there is the question of what happens when these major oceanic clouds move over land and whether the aerosol interactions change (Bowler 76). The answer that comes to that question is that, once droplets of clouds have been formed, aerosols or CCN are separated by water of ice and would not be directly interacting with anything else. As a result, when cloud droplets or raindrops evaporate, aerosols are free and can be able to

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The literature on market segmentation and its various aspects Essay

The literature on market segmentation and its various aspects - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that we are living in a global village. With the advancements in the fields of science and technology, the world is getting closer and closer and this fact is impacting the business world too. As a result of globalization, the customer base of the organizations is also increasing, leading to more diversification, especially in terms of their needs regarding specific products. This situation made the marketers develop a strategy that we call segmentation. The literal meaning of segmentation is to divide into pieces. It is often taken in the context of classifying the things into different groups so that all the objects in one group are identical to one another, sharing a common profile and on the basis of those factors, are different from other segments. This analogy has been borrowed by marketers in the same context. In the field of marketing, market segmentation is the process of dividing the market into similar groups such that individual s/businesses within each group share common characteristics. Used for: Profiling, Trade Area Analysis. Segmentation is the process of partitioning markets into groups of potential customers with similar needs and/or characteristics who are likely to exhibit similar purchase behavior. Market segmentation is a marketing approach that encompasses the identification of different groups of customers with different needs or responses to marketing activity. The market segmentation process also considers which of these segments to target.... egmentation of markets into homogenous groups of customers, each of them reacting differently to promotion, communication, pricing and other variables of the marketing mix. Market segments should be formed in that way that differences between buyers within each segment are as small as possible. Thus, every segment can be addressed with an individually targeted marketing mix. (Bennette 1998) "One of the most important strategic concepts contributed by the marketing discipline to business firms and other types of organizations is that of market segmentation" (Myers, 1996). Market Segmentation is considered and propagated by the marketing gurus as yet another step ahead of the previous ones in order to make the marketing plans and their implementation more effective and efficient in terms of its productivity. It is considered by them as a newer development in the domains of marketing research. Why Segmentation There are a number of reasons to do market segmentation. Few of them, as available in literature, are stated below: Better serving customers needs and wants The foremost advantage of segmentation is that it helps to serve the customers' needs and wants in a more effective manner. .(Aker 1991) Higher Profits As a result of segmentation, due to development of of separate strategies for each of the segment, the organization would be catering greater number of customers in each segment than what it had been serving for each segment without segmentation. This would lead to higher profits. (Asael 1987) Opportunities for Growth The organization can grow in terms of its volume of sales as well as customer base. Sustainable customer relationships in all phases of customer life cycle As a result of the customized strategies for each segment, a Sustainable customer

Medical Modal Essay Example for Free

Medical Modal Essay Explain the two models of disability and the impact of each on practice: †¢ Medical Model Disability is seen as the problem; not attempting to overcome challenges presented from disability. Therefore people with disabilities are excluded and miss out on lots of things in life †¢ Social Model The environment and society are seen as the problem, not the disability. All people are included where possible and the environment and resources can be adapted to make things possible. Why is a positive attitude towards disability and specific requirements important? Having a positive attitude helps to ensure that children and people with disabilities and specific requirements achieve positive outcomes in their lives. Positive attitudes promote positive learning and development and gives the person or child high self-esteem, self-reliance and self-confidence. It is about adapting the environment or society to meet the individual’s needs. Explain how inclusive practice promotes equality and supports diversity. Assistive technology (AT) can help disabled people to perform functions that they couldn’t otherwise do, such as electric wheelchairs, voice recognition on their computer for mobility and communicating. Speech therapists can support children with cerebral palsy for example or other conditions that cause difficulty with speech. Health professionals will help children with cystic fibrosis. Additional learning support at school could help a child with autism or dyslexia. Portage workers help support the family and child when they may have developmental or learning difficulties, physical disabilities or other Special Educational Needs. FIRST team can give advice and show strategies for children with behavioural difficulties.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Those Winter Sundays Analysis

Those Winter Sundays Analysis The poem, which I selected for analyzing and interpreting, is Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden. The question raised by the author has been attracting the readers for a long time, since it deals with a situation which most of people have experienced at least once in their lives. The authors language and artistic devices by which he transmits the idea that people often pay little attention to good deeds and kind attitude especially when they has become a part of somebodys routine leave a really strong impression, often making the reader stop and re-think his attitude towards some events in his or her life. In this poem the author recollects memories from his childhood, when his father rose before dawn to kindle the fire in order to warm their hose on winter morning. Hayden skillfully uses deep and powerful imagery to convey his emotions, not giving direct statements but letting the reader to surmise what was implied in the lines therefore making a bright and living picture of that event in his or her mind. Those Winter Sundays honors a much-criticized figure in American culture of the 1990s the withdrawn, emotionally inexpressive and distant (and probably unhappy and angry) father. The poem makes its way towards perceiving the emotional life of such a man. The poem realizes love as it lived in such a man (Goldstein and Chrisman 254). Beginning with the phrase Sundays too my father got up early the author indicates that his father got up early not only on Sundays, but during the whole week also, thus giving the image of a hard-working man, who though having a day off gives up his opportunity to have a rest for the sake of his family. Hayden also emphasizes that the man has got cracked hands that ached from labour in the weekday, making the reader to feel a little more drama and sympathy for his father. Te author sums up the first stanza with a simple literal line No one ever thanked him, therefore accomplishing splendidly his image of a caring man who shows a real regard for his family every day, but no one appreciates that. In the second stanza the speaker describes what he did, while his father performed his morning routine. The reader sees a little boy lying in his bed, reluctant to get up and waiting for the cold to stand away. The second line here also gives an important detail: When the rooms were warm hed call, one more time showing the fathers regard for the boy. However, the last line of this stanza may seem a bit puzzling: Fearing the chronic angers of that house. Such a phrase may imply various meanings. Without knowing the background of this verse it is hard to judge about what the author meant by these words. Of course there is a possibility that chronic angers relate to the house itself and living in poverty the boy does not love his home. But knowing the authors biography, especially the facts about his living in the atmosphere of fights and quarrels in the foster family, one can rather incline to the thought that the boy neither liked his house nor his father, therefore never noticing goo d qualities of his foster parent and care towards him even when they were displayed. In the third stanza Hayden refers to one more sign of regard from his father and polished my good shoes as well. Along with that he gives his own respond to such situation: Speaking indifferently to him, thus admitting ungrateful ignorance from his own side. In the final lines of the third stanza the speaker asks a rhetorical question: What did I know, what did I know/of loves austere and lonely offices? Hayden indicates that being a child he did not understand love often rather expresses itself indirectly, through help and care hidden in actions rather than through any kind of demonstrative expression such as words or embraces, which are commonly considered to be a real sign of love and care. One may suppose, that in his childhood, being a bit more selfish than now, like all children do and having little experience the speaker felt only negative energy that belonged to the house and paid no attention to his fathers effort to warm the house and polish the boys shoes. What is more the last two lines of the poem may also explain that the boys childhood was rather unhappy anyway, that is why he did not know much about love and was not able to appreciate it discerning it in his fathers routine. Containing traditional fourteen lines, this verse is an example of a sonnet, though the lines lack a reliable rhythm. There still are some rhymes and near-rhymes but no rhyme scheme. Though one should not omit that fact that the sonnet was written at the time when free verse was really popular in the Anglo-American literature. A kind of hidden alliteration is also implied by Hayden, such as the k sounds in the words ached,cracked, blueback and so on. In some way it adds elements of pain to the general atmosphere of the verse, especially if one takes the phrase cracked hands that ached. Gradually, the k sounds are replaced by the o sounds, like in the words good, shoes, know, love, offices etc. These drawling sounds evoke associations with love and loneliness. Therefore, along with the impression which the reader gained from the poem by reading the speakers narration of the event, the reader also perceives the same story by sonic means. The noise of this poem moves us through its emot ional journey from discomfort to lonely life (Goldstein and Chrisman 252). The author establishes a pensive and regretful tone almost from the very beginning. Even the heading Those Winter Sundays evokes an image of cold and often cloudy days, therefore producing a feeling of sadness and melancholy. Hayden introduces cold and uncomfortable images, like blueback cold to strengthen the picture of undesirable conditions of the unheated house. Hayden aids the initial tone of regret by sharing with the reader an image of the fathers cracked hands. All these means help the reader to realize clearly the main idea of the poem. The poems thesis is that the office of love can be relentless, thankless, and more than a little mysterious (Goldstein and Chrisman 252). All in all, this sonnet leaves a deep impression and induces to re-think the way in which we treat sometimes people who care for us. Therefore, one can learn a good lesson from it: there are times when a person simply does not see the love expressed indirectly, thus staying indifferent and ungrateful towards the person who does have a regard for him or her.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Community Service Essay :: Community Service Essays

People’s lives are changed every day by their actions and experiences. This past summer, I participated in a community service project, an experience that opened my eyes in many ways. I was a volunteer at the County Memorial Hospital. In my time as a volunteer at the hospital, I was able to meet patients and staff members from all over the world and learn about their life experiences. Listening to all of their stories has made me truly appreciate everything which I have. One experience that I will always remember is the day I was running errands and had the opportunity to meet a very special patient. She was a sweet woman who was originally from Mexico. We were having a friendly conversation when she asked me about why I chose to do community service at the hospital. I explained to her that I planned on majoring in the medical field one day and I was working on obtaining community service hours. We got to talking about the education systems in our countries. In our conversation I learned that only selected people were given the opportunity to receive an education in her native country of Mexico. She told me about the poor education system and the extreme poverty which debilitates Mexico. As a United States citizen, I am provided with a variety of options for education. People in Mexico must fight to obtain access to any education. This made me realize how truly fortunate I am. At the beginning of this volunteer experience, I walked in hopeful that I would gain some knowledge about the different careers that the medical field possesses, but I got so much more than that. I learned that community service is about making an impact in the lives of other members who share my community. At the end of volunteer services I have decided on a major, I am now striving to become a physician’s assistant. In this position, not only do I get to care for patients, but I am presented with the opportunity to change their lives. I will be able to see firsthand the diversity of cultures from around the world.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques: A handbook for practitioners Essay

Psychological marketing Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In a broad spectrum, there are different techniques that are used by sellers, marketers as well as the entire production companies to market their products as an endeavor to lure customers towards their side. One of those techniques is known as â€Å"Other-enhancement†. Essentially, other enhancement is one of the techniques that is used by the advertisers to make consumers or the targeted audience have positive attitude towards them. It is mostly done to perfection through gratifying them and is elemental in some of the product promotion endeavors as a means of advertisement.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As a matter of fact, the advertisers use exaggeration in portraying the positive side of the company in a bid to make customers to prefer working with them. For instance, Travel Company tries to sell tickets and uses the comments in commercial, â€Å"you deserve this, because you work hard.† When the customers read and analyze the comment, they feel recognized and their hard work recognized in the bid to make the company happy, they end up buying more goods or services as a means of awarding them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to the L’Oreal, the cosmetic company technique of advertisement in the ad, Other-enhancement proves to be key as the company creates new red rouge. Inherently the advertisement uses other-enhancement technique to emphasize the unique characteristics of every woman, saying â€Å"rouge as unique as you are.† This makes customers feel different and special from others and at the same time, the company relates their unique feature of product relates to every woman’s uniqueness. â€Å"Your lips deserve more than just color â€Å"Tailored just for you and your smile, because you are worth it† creates the value of self-recognition. Here, the company shows the specialty of a commodity even if in the real sense it is not. The items value is exaggerated to catch the attention of the customers and make them buy their goods. L’REAL, uses words â€Å"enhancing luxurious feel† to sell their makeups us ing this technique.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In summary, most companies employ the psychological selling techniques as discussed. L’OREAL employs such methods to make their sales. The goods being sold are not as valuable as they are made look. The sellers play with the minds of potential buyers to trap them and make them buy their items. This marketing technique is adopted by most of the selling companies to promote the stock clearance. References Dobkin, J. (2008). Direct marketing strategies. Merion Station, PA: Danielle Adams Pub. Paley, N. (2008). The Marketing Strategy Desktop Guide. London: Thorogood. Rogers, S. C. (2001). Marketing strategies, tactics, and techniques: A handbook for practitioners. Westport, Conn: Quorum Books. Source document

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Turning Work in on Time (Work Ethic)

Completing and turning assignments in on time and when asked is vital to success throughout not only school, but in the work force as well. The implementation of any task at the desired time of a teacher or employer creates a work ethic that is required by any current or future choice of career or job. Employers value employees who understand and possess a willingness to work hard. In addition to working hard it is also important to work smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save time while completing daily assignments. Doing more than is expected on the job is a good way to show that you have and know how to utilize good time management skills and don’t waste valuable time attending to personal issues not related to what is expected. Excuses are not accepted by anyone who expects something done a certain way, and the only way to make sure no excuses are made, is to do what is expected the right way, when expected. Doing so will not only prevent any totally avoidable consequences, but build a work ethic valued by teachers, professors, and employers everywhere. Compliance and the understanding that excuses are hardly ever tolerated will take someone much farther in life than always being late, lazy, and defiant. Dependency is directly related to the consistency of timing. Employers/teachers value employees/students who come to work/class on time, are there when they are supposed to be, and are responsible for their actions and behavior. Being dependable and responsible shows yours peers that you value your job or what is being taught, and that you are responsible for keeping up with yourself and the things that are expected of you. Reliability will build the foundation for trust from your peers, and confidence in yourself to work harder and be a successful employee or student that can be counted upon to complete a task efficiently.

Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Writers of literature, especially those in the genre of stories, used different types of themes and symbolisms to represent an idea and concept that is not directly mentioned by the writer. Most themes especially about life, human nature and society are implied rather than explicitly stated. It’s the writer’s choice if he or she would want to use figures, objects or characters to illustrate an abstract idea to create various realizations on the part of the readers. The aesthetics of literature depends on how the writer seamlessly and creatively associates symbolisms to the themes of the story. In the story Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, he used the title as a symbol itself, the characters, and the Biblical allusions as a point of comparison to the consequences of sins happened in the story. The Scarlet letter is used as a significant symbolism of shame that often identify the main protagonist, Hester. The â€Å"letter† word in the story functions as the reminder of her sin. Hester’s adultery receives harsh judgment and retaliation from the self righteous Puritan community. Her sin excludes her in the society or in a pattern known as unity versus exclusion in literature. Hester single mistake in the past made her an outcast who automatically separated her from ordinary social interaction. In the beginning of the story in the episode of the marketplace, the â€Å"scarlet letter† â€Å"was so fantastically embroidered and illuminated upon her bosom. It had the effect of the spell, taking her out in the ordinary relations with humanity, and enclosing her in a sphere by herself† (Robinson 104). Here, Hawthorne already revealed how the scarlet letter symbolizes Hester’s authenticity as a character and fate. The letter becomes â€Å"the object of severe and universal observation† in the Puritan community (Robinson 114). Moreover, Hester’s presence in the â€Å"crowd had been of such deep social interest† not because of her as a character but because of what the scarlet letter says about her past (Robinson 138). The Scarlet Letter symbolizes the community’s system of judgment and punishment that greatly used symbols and externals to question one’s morality. The scarlet letter in the story is a figurative thing intended to represent sin and a mark of shame. This figurative object went to her after the adultery she committed with Dimmesdale. The setting of the story belonged to a Puritan community who strictly follows the standard of morality. Hester’s adultery from this kind of society received harsh judgment and retaliation from the Puritan community. Despite the painful judgment, Hester chose to stay in the community because running away would be an acknowledgment of society's power over her. Scarlet Letter embodies Hester’s identity that was determined to create her own individuality rather than allowing others to determine it for her. She chose not to conform to the society’s rules and standard. She knows deep inside that she is more than her sins. Her sins were all part of her but the journey of life still continues. Scarlet Letter illustrates Hester’s acceptance of her sins. She admitted though that the letter is a mark of shame but removing the letter or running away would be an acknowledgment of society's power over her. Hester was a symbol for hope, restoration and transformation. The judgmental community unconsciously transformed and challenged her character to be compassionate and capable woman. Her pains made humble. Her innate good nature was fully expressed from her challenging yet sorrowful faith. The scarlet letter as a symbolism is all in connection to the twists and turns of the story as well as to the character. Pearl, Hester’s daughter also noticed that, her mother wear a scarlet letter among all the grown up women in the community. â€Å"Mother†, said the little Pearl, â€Å"the sunshine does not love you. It runs away and hides itself, because it is afraid of something on your bosom†¦ It will not flee from me, for I wear nothing on my bosom yet! â€Å"Nor ever will my child, I hope†, said Hester. â€Å"And why not mother? † asked Pearl, stopping short†¦ â€Å"Will it not come of its accord, when I am a grown woman? † (Robinson). In this conversation, it highlights the reality that the scarlet letter is intended to represent sin and Pearl as a child doesn’t fully comprehend her mother’s peculiar situation. Pearl’s innocent and pointed questions create suspense since it makes the characters feel uncomfortable. Moreover her character illustrates perception and honesty that separates her from the corrupt minds of the adulthood. Pearl’s innocent questions motivated those people around her to think and to reflect on the truths that are often overlooked. Pearl herself is the embodiment of the scarlet letter and Hester accordingly clothes her in a â€Å"beautiful dress of scarlet, embroidered with gold thread, just like the scarlet letter upon Hester's bosom† (Robinson). Pearl illegitimacy in the story and as a product of sin mysteriously takes the consequences of her parents’ guilt. The story of the â€Å"The Scarlet Letter† can be compared to some of the stories mentioned in the Old Testament. The plot depicting the extreme portrayal of Puritanism can be compared to the way old people from the Bible regard shame, rules and order. Just like Adam and Eve, Hester and Dimmesdale’s sins particularly adultery separated them from the divine and community (the way Puritan community perceives it). Sins excluded and alienated them in the society. Dimmesdale and Hester’s state of sinfulness led them to personal growth, sympathy and speculation about human nature and larger moral questions. At the end, the inner wisdom that Hester accumulated from the judgmental community greatly benefited her character and sense of individuality. The scarlet letter for Hester according to Nathaniel Hawthorne in one of his interviews after the creation of this wonderful story â€Å"was her passport into regions where other women dared not to tread. Shame, Despair, Solitude! These had been her teachers—stern and wild ones—and they had made her strong, but taught her much amiss†. Though the setting happened during Puritan community but the themes are timeless- judgmental society, personal responsibility and unconformity.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Accountability of nursing professionals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Accountability of nursing professionals - Essay Example In health care, professional accountability and responsibility go hand in hand.The two are related in the nursing profession and one must posses both to be an effective and reliable nurse.Thus both are very vital in the nursing profession. Both accountability and responsibility are concerned with taking care of a patient and his or her family.Thus both are very vital in the nursing profession. Accountability refers to the state of being liable to ones’ actions and willingness to accept the consequences of his or her own behaviour. In addition, they are also concerned with the code of conduct, behaviours and policies related to nursing profession. Thus both are very vital in the nursing profession. Accountability refers to the state of being liable to ones’ actions and willingness to accept the consequences of his or her own behaviour. It is a legal obligation and in nursing profession it entails ethical and moral responsibility. Nurses who are accountable treat their du ties with a lot of seriousness. It is the responsibility of a professional nurse to act within his or scope of care and call upon his or her knowledge and skills in making decisions that are in the best interest of the patient. According to the American Nursing Association code, a nurse is accountable for nursing judgments and actions. Professional accountability entails everything from the way nurses dress, to their values, ethics and moral beliefs (Fineout-Overholt et al 2005). According to Melnyk and Fineout-Overholt (2005),

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Promotional Practice Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Promotional Practice Report - Essay Example Nike holds the leading position in this industry with the total sale of USD 37 billion which is USD 9 billion ahead of its primary competitor, Adidas Group (Nike Inc., 2014, p.1). The brand equity and the innovative promotional activities and campaigns have acted as the major drivers of the growth and continued popularity of the company since its inception till the current days of operation (Porter, Harris and Yeung, 2002, p.200). Nike Inc. is considered to be one of the most valuable brands across the globe and is renowned for its innovative communication techniques. The company holds the 26th position in the list of the top 100 global brands as published in the year 2012 by Inter brand. The brand value of Nike in 2013 was USD 13, 179 million. Brand image is a significant factor required for any company to ensure continued success and create competitive advantage in a dynamic global business environment. As such, Nike Inc. has been continuously working on developing strong promotional practices as a part of its integrated marketing communication strategies. In this report, an analysis of the very successful recent campaign of the company â€Å"Risk everything† would be discussed and analyzed. This advertising campaign was released in April 2014 and went on to become one of the most impactful and successful advertising campaigns in the history of the company thereby taking the brand image, perception and awareness of the company to new heights. The main objective of the â€Å"Risk Everything† Campaign launched by Nike was to inspire the consumer groups of the company to take risks and succeed. This campaign used celebrity endorsements by various famous athletes to promote the brand and create high levels of inspiration and euphoria among the fans of these famous athletes. The celebrity endorsements were also used as a strategy to establish the acclaimed quality of the products by