Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Social science 300 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Social science 300 - Essay Example It is an element of mental destruction that happens between families. Children seem to be the worst affected in the whole scenario. They store pictures of torture and fights within their memories and this is one feeling which is pretty difficult to get rid of. Psychologically, it affects them more than the persons who were in a marriage before they decided to forego the bond itself – the bond of marriage, now changed into a divorce deed. (Shaw, Winslow & Flanagan, 1999) Socially, it leaves a scar on the children so much so that they start getting alienated from other kids of the same age. They converse less and as a result open up negligibly. They seldom speak out what is within them and hurting from inside. They seem to be in a constant fight with their existence and life for them becomes a problem – a problem that has got no bearing on their actions and yet they are on the receiving end. Academically, these children fall back on the track of education and are less int erested at gaining the new avenues of knowledge and information. They seem unwelcoming to the new technological changes and are happy with their lives, in a desolate area with no one in company. Life for them is a slow killer but a killer for sure. In this paper, the aspect of family remaining as a single knitted unit is highlighted and all the significant elements of keeping a family as a solitary entity are discussed so that a relational basis with psychological comprehension and relationship binding is established in essence. (Chomsky, 2003) With the passage of time, these children grow up to a less secure financial environment and they fall back on their expenses most of the times. They are usually dependent on one of their parents, with the one they live most of the times or in instances where both the parents have let gone on them, they are dependent on their guardians, which could be just about anyone. They are always trying to make both ends meet and

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory - Essay Example The essay "Salvador Dali - The Persistence of Memory" discovers the artwork of the famous painter, Salvador Dali. While this might seem uncanny enough, the clocks are not flat as you might expect them to be, but are bent out of shape, appearing to be in the act of melting away. The melting aspect can be explained that the region in which they are located is a desert climatic zone which is marked by extremely high temperatures. This weird and unexpected juxtaposition poses a lot of questions right up-front. First and foremost one has to wonder why the clocks are melting or question their location in the desert. The finally question to ponder is the fact that there are no people around them. Since the subject matter and content of the Salvador Dali's clocks painting seems illogical or irrational, one might be surprised by the very representational and nearly photographic quality of the painting, fitting well with Dali's own description of his art as being hand-painted dream photographs . The concept of the dream in this case is integral in understanding Surrealism and plays a key role in the meaning of The Persistence of Memory, as well. One of the goals of the Surrealists was to bring out the best visual representation of what it is like to be dreaming. As a result of this, Surrealism might seem a little crazy but every individual has had a case of dreams where unrelated people, places, or objects come together in completely inexplicable ways. The understanding most likely depicts a dream state.