Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Knowledge And Awareness Of The Social Work Profession

Knowledge and Awareness of the Social Work Profession Roughly a decade ago, my family was provided with the opportunity to immigrate to the United States. However, I still vividly remember the harsh conditions we experienced daily in Somalia, East Africa. Growing up as a child in Somalia presented many challenges, as my family and I lacked access to basic human needs such as a quality education and healthcare. As a child in Somalia, I always yearned for the opportunity that would enable me to do something to better my situation and that of my people. Coming to the United States of America, was a life changing event that I always longed-for that provided me with the occasion to put forth effort to improve my future and the future of many different people. Upon my arrival to the United States, I was determined to take advantage of this wonderful opportunity and utilize this chance to pursue an education that I could in turn use to help myself and others. Being the first in my family to attend an institution of higher education means a lot to me and as a role model to my siblings, I am inspired to strive for further success. Unfortunately, the Social welfare and Policy system in my country of origin remains in shambles. Many people are not able to secure access to decent healthcare and in the cases where hospitals exist; mismanagement of available resources is rife. It is this fact in particular that drives my ambition; to get the knowledge that will improve theShow MoreRelatedPersonal Reflection On The Social Work Profession847 Words   |  4 Pagesa personal reflection on my understanding of the social work profession, as I get ready for my field placement. I will reflect on my evolving sense of professional identity, and will discuss my growth in terms of self-awareness. I will further deliberate about my knowledge of the Social Work profession. 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